September 3, 2005

Tuebingen, Part 2

Filed under: Germany — Alex Ravenel @ 9:43 am

Marktplatz, TuebingenSince the last post, I had the first meeting of my Sprachkurs, the language crash course that will make us ready for German classes. Most of the students in it have been hanging out, enjoying and exploring the town. It’s been good to meet some more people, and have people to go out with. Last night, we sat in a beer garden by the Neckar river, talk, ate, drank, and sat under the trees in the warm night. And the beer–I don’t typically like German style beer, light and somewhat sweet, but this beer is incredible. It goes down so unbelievably smoothly. And it’s affordable, too. We were paying 2 euro for .4 liters–in the States, you’d pay that for a 12 oz of Bud Light.

Castle Tower, TuebingenThe weather so far has been very untypically German. After the incessant rains and floods of the past month, it’s been sunny and warm every day we’ve been here, and quite humid as well. Add to that the German dislike for air conditioning, and things can get a bit warm. Everyone is sweaty all the time, but no one really seems to mind. It normally would rain more than it has, but after the floods of the previous weeks, I think they’re happy to have it like this–and I can’t complain about it not raining.

View from the Castle, TuebingenAnd how is my German coming along? It hasn’t changed much… I can still understand a good bit and make myself understood, but I have a long way to go. Luckily, everywhere that I’ve really needed it (opening a bank account, setting up my cell phone), people have spoken English, but there have definitely been many times that no one around spoke a lick of English. I do find myself remembering words more easily now than before. I’m guessing this stems from “really” using the words, rather than just having to study them out of a book. I was hoping to get some practice in in the dorms, but so far it has been rather empty as class doesn’t actually start for another month. I did meet two other kids from the States living nearby though, so I have something to out there.

Anyways, I’m off for now–gotta get some food for tomorrow before everything shuts down for Sunday.


  1. Hey, I’m just letting you know what I put this website on my links list of my Travel Journal. Also, I was wondering, since you’re into photography, if you can tell me whether or not I suck so far. See This Entry. Hope you ‘re having a good time! -Cat

    Comment by Cat — September 4, 2005 @ 2:25 pm

  2. Ok, your comments thing doesn’t let me leave html… Yeah, those two links were

    Comment by Cat — September 4, 2005 @ 2:27 pm

  3. Looks like the HTML worked, so far as I can see…

    Comment by Alex Ravenel — September 5, 2005 @ 9:28 am

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