October 22, 2005

Intelligent Design

Filed under: Random — Alex Ravenel @ 5:08 am

I just had to post this link to a hilarious anecdotal column about intelligent design. I was laughing out loud reading this, something I’m sure my suitemates loved. Check it out.


  1. Link seems broken, fyi.

    Comment by Paul — October 22, 2005 @ 11:29 pm

  2. Indeed it was. Thanks for the heads up.

    Comment by Alex Ravenel — October 23, 2005 @ 5:02 am

  3. Hey Alex,

    I had headed over here the other day and forgot to leave a message! The site looks really nice and I get periodically jealous reading about wine and cooking and the things that are very possible in Germany and not so much in Egypt : ) My roomate goes to school in Munchen and we hang out with people from the Goethe Institute all the time so I feel very connected to the German people in Cairo : ) ha. Plus, it gets even better- I flew through Munchen and Frankfurt on my way here! Oh well, enough of me being silly- glad you seem to be having a good time, too, I look forward to hearing more!

    Comment by Helen — October 23, 2005 @ 5:33 am

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