December 5, 2005

Back from Berlin

Filed under: Travels, Germany — Alex Ravenel @ 5:09 pm

I’m back from Berlin. A very good time, and a very interesting city. I’ll have a long post coming when I get a bit more time, tomorrow most likely, but in the meantime, pictures are up.


  1. Did you see the Jewish Museum? I honestly want to go to Berlin just to see that museum, so I’m going to be disappointed if you say you didn’t.
    Sorry I missed you in Paris!

    Comment by Annie — December 7, 2005 @ 1:11 pm

  2. Unfortunately, no. My days were packed full as it was, with the exception of the last day, when I avoided all the museums because the tour bus crowds were out in force. Although I somewhat wish I had done that rather than the Egyptian museum, which was somewhat underwhelming as they were in a different, smaller venue while their museum was being rebuilt–meaning a much smaller exhibit.

    Make sure to check out the Pergamon though. If you liked the British Museum in London, you’ll like the Pergamon as well.

    Comment by Alex Ravenel — December 7, 2005 @ 1:43 pm

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