January 19, 2006

The Different Photo Galleries

Filed under: Random — Alex Ravenel @ 12:50 pm

I thought I’d quickly clarify why there are two photo galleries for this site–the main one, and Flickr. The difference is simple. The gallery here, on this site, is for the better images–ones that I think are technically or artistically good, or ones that offer a significant and different insight into my travels. The Flickr gallery is for the rest of them; repetitive, flawed, or just plain bad photos, but ones that still can give a good idea of the subject. Personal photos will also go here. One is more like a portfolio; the other, snapshots.


  1. I feel so enlightened now, thank you.

    Comment by L — January 20, 2006 @ 3:56 am

  2. Sure thing, anytime ;)

    Comment by Alex Ravenel — January 20, 2006 @ 10:15 am

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